The Conrad Knatz Family

On June 1, 1905, the family took part in the next state census.  They are living at 538 East 16th Street with 7 other families including the family of his 12 year old future daughter in law, Barbara Urig.  Conrad has the same occupation and children Charley 12, Philip 7, Harry (Henry) 6, Christina 11 and Laura 9 are at school.


On December 4, 1906 son George A. is born.  He will marry Jennie Klersey in 1930 and have two children, Jean and George. George worked as a printer.  Jennie died in 1979 and George died in 1989.


On April 29, 1909, Conrad and Anna’s last child was born, Helen Hilda.  She will marry Frederick Roth Orsato, a buyer, in 1935, have two children, Mary Lou and Frederick.  He died in 1951 and Helen died in 1996.


The next year, on April 19, 1910, Conrad and Anna are now at 638 East 16th Street.  Barbara Urig’s family has left for Hoboken, New Jersey, after the death of her mother sister earlier in the year.  Anna has had 10 children and 7 are still living.  She and Conrad have been married for 20 years.  Conrad is still a brass polisher in a factory, seventeen year old Charles is a collector in Real Estate (his uncle August Knatz also worked in real estate-did they work together?),Christina at 15 works in a tin foil factory, Laura 13, Philip 12 and Henry 10 are in school.  Three year old George and eleven month old Helen are at home.  According to the census, all but George and Helen can read and write.  Christina at 15 had attended school at some time before September 1909 so it looks like she has recently left school.  Conrad and Anna rent their apartment.  Questions are asked about veteran status, disabilities and Conrad and the eldest children have numbers in the columns but no explanation of what they signify.  Conrad did not fight in the Civil War and no one in the family has any disability.


On June 1, 1915, the family has moved out of Lower Manhattan to a 3 family home at 381 First Street in Brooklyn.  Conrad is a 45 year old brass polisher, Charles at 22 is a bronze finisher.  Christina is now a bookkeeper at 21 and 19 year old Laura is a machinist.  It could say “Pencil” as she told me that her first job was counting pencils in a factory.  Seventeen year old Philip is an office clerk, 15 year old Henry is a driver’s helper and George and Helen are still in school.  Also living with them is Anna’s 33 year old brother, George Eberhardt who is a blacksmith.  Laura also told me that this home was near Prospect Park and this address is 3 blocks away.  Today, this building is a 4-story brownstone type home on a tree lined street off 6th Avenue.  I don’t know if this is the same house or not, as Google search states it was built in 1920.


On June 21, 1917, 19 year old Charles Knatz married 19 year old Barbara Urig, a daughter of Philipp and Anna Knoedler Urig.  They were born on the same day and had lived in the same neighborhood as children.  In fact, in 1905, they lived in the same apartment house before she moved to New Jersey.  Their story will be told elsewhere.


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